Sunday, March 6, 2011

Creek, Fair, or Woods High School? Houston Texas?

Creek, Fair, or Woods High School? Houston Texas?
Hiiiii, I'm stuck in a huge decision! And i have to figure it out in five months and I really need yall's help... I have no idea which school to go to, Cy Creek, Cy Fair, Cy Woods? Which school was a whole lot of fun? Almost all of my friends are going to Creek, and then three are going to Woods... But I've heard Creek is ghetto. And I only know a bunch of guys going to fair.. And I also want to know what the cheer team was like for what school you went too.. If you went to any of these high schools PLEASE help! And if you were me, what school would you go to?
Houston - 2 Answers

Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
Cy Woods is the better school.

Okay, first of all i would never choose cy-woods, because i have never met one person from that school that is nice or un-snobbish. (i'm sure there are but ive never met one) And BTW Creek is not ghetto at all, its just been a running joke forever started by some people that never even went to Creek. I used this answer to answer another question so sorry for not having it be original: Okay trust me i know the answer to this. This was one of my research projects in my middle school, Hamilton, which splits up about 70% go to cy-fair and 30% go to Cy-Creek. (I am going to Cy-Creek) If you base it on the state-standardized test (TAKS) Cy-Fair is the better school. Cy-Fair also is higher in the U.S. World News Rankings of the top 1500 high schools, by about 100 schools. Yet, Cy-Creek has had a higher average score on the SAT AND ACT for many years now. Cy-Fair's sports teams have done well earlier this millenium; however, Cy-Creek currently holds better rankings in most sports (including Football, Swimming, Water Polo, Dance Team, Baseball, Softball, Cross Country, and Soccer) Yet, Cy-Creek is undergoing renovations this year, and it will not be done until August 2010. Cy-Fair's renovations were done a couple of years back. At Cy-Fair, the family's incomes are generally higher than of those at Cy-Creek, and at Cy-Creek you generally notice a more diverse environment (even though the statistics show that Cy-Creek is less diversified) In terms of fun, it all depends on the organizations you join. As well, the "stereotypes" around the district mostly classify Cy-Creek as the "normal" school while the kids at Cy-Fair are generally more (i guess you could say) "snobbish", yet cy-fair usually has just a tad more school spirit. If I were to come to the district new, I would choose Cy-Creek, simply because it's positives outway the negatives by a lot. Also, I have met faculty from both schools, and I can tell you that at Cy-Creek the principal is much more fun and "cool" (ex. one time i witnessed a very strict teacher unfairly apprehend a student and mr.wells, the cy-creek principal, wispered to the kid to just forget about it :D) while the Cy-Fair principal is not. The staff at Cy-Fair is also more strict, while the staff at Cy-Creek is more friendly, and is a lot more invested in the students. When my sibling graduated from Cy-Creek, he even invited most of his teachers to come to his party, and most of them did! So as you see, I believe Cy-Creek is better. You may call me bias, but i believe that if i had to choose only knowing the facts, I would choose Creek. Go Cougars! P.S. With the renovation, the school is very nice, and much nicer than Cy-Fair. Sure it can be hectic, but once its done it will be great. P.P.S. If you are moving here, you go to the school you are zoned to, unless your guardian works at a certain school, then you also have the option to go there. P.P.P.S. (hahaha) if you are referring to drill teams, Cy-Creek is far better (silverados) and even carry a national title from i believe 2003. Cy-Woods is just a bunch of gussied up rich kids, and Cy-Fair girls are just "there" And if you are talking about cheerleading, no one pays attention to that here... (sorry :D) Hope this helped!

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